Hyakko is a Haskell port of docco: the original quick-and-dirty documentation generate. It produces an HTML document that displays your comments intermingled with you code. All prose is passed through Markdown, and code is passed through Kate syntax highlighing. This page is the result of running Hyakko against its own source file.
Install Hyakko with cabal: cabal update; cabal install hyakko
Run it agianst your code: hyakko src/*.hs
or just hyakko src
and Hyakko will search for supported files inside the directory recursively.
There is no "Step 3". This will generate an HTML page for each of the named source files, with a menu linking to the other pages, saving the whole mess into a docs
folder — and is also configurable.
The Hyakko source is available on GitHub, and is released under the MIT license.
There is a "literate" style of Haskell, only one supported at this time, but other literate styles can be added fairly easily via a separate languages file.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Hyakko.Text.Markdown
import Hyakko.Text.Templates
import Hyakko.Types
import Data.Aeson (decode', Value(..))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html as B
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtml)
import qualified Text.Highlighting.Kate as K
import Text.Pandoc.Templates
import Text.Regex.PCRE ((=~))
import System.Directory ( getDirectoryContents
, doesDirectoryExist
, doesFileExist
, createDirectoryIfMissing
, copyFile
import System.Console.Docopt.NoTH
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath ( takeBaseName
, takeExtension
, takeFileName
, (</>)
, addTrailingPathSeparator
import Paths_hyakko (getDataFileName, version, getDataDir)
Generate the documentation for our configured source file by copyinh over static assets, reading all the source files in, splitting them up into prose+code sections, highlighting each file in the approapiate language, and printing them out in an HTML template.
generateDocumentation :: Hyakko -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
generateDocumentation _ [] = hyakkoUsage >>= putStrLn . usage
generateDocumentation opts xs = do
dataDir <- getDataDir
let options = configHyakko opts dataDir
dirout = output options
langFile = languages options
style <- hyakkoStyles options
langList <- decodeLanguageFile langFile
T.writeFile (dirout </> "hyakko.css") style
unless (isNothing $ layout options) $ do
let layoutDir = fromJust $ layout options
copyDirectory options $ dataDir </> "resources" </> layoutDir
</> "public"
forM_ xs $ \x -> do
code <- T.readFile x
let language = getLanguage x langList
sections = parse language code
noSects = null sections
when noSects $
putStrLn $ "hyakko doesn't support the language extension "
++ takeExtension x
unless noSects $ do
let highlighted = highlight language sections
y = mapSections sections highlighted
generateHTML options x y
Given a string of source code, parse out eacg block of prose and the code that follows it — by detecting which is which, line by line — then create an individual section for it. Each section is Map with docText
and codeText
properties, and eventuall docsHtml
and codeHtml
as well.
inSections :: [Text] -> Text -> Sections
inSections xs r =
let sections = sectionOff mempty mempty xs
in map M.fromList sections
where save :: Text -> Text -> [(String, Text)]
save code docs = [ ("codeText", code)
, ("docsText", docs)
sectionOff :: Text -> Text -> [Text] -> [[(String, Text)]]
sectionOff code docs [] = save code docs : []
sectionOff code docs (y:ys) =
let line = T.unpack y
shebang = L.pack "(^#![/]|^\\s*#\\{)"
r' = L.pack $ T.unpack r
in if line =~ r' && (not $ line =~ shebang) then
handleDocs code
sectionOff (code <> y <> "\n") docs ys
where handleDocs "" = handleHeaders code (newdocs docs) ys
handleDocs _ = save code docs
: handleHeaders mempty (newdocs mempty) ys
newdocs d = d <> (replace r y mempty) <> "\n"
If there is a header markup, only for ---
and ===
, it will get its own line from the other documentation.
handleHeaders c d zs =
if T.unpack d =~ L.pack "^(---|===)+" then
save c d : sectionOff mempty mempty zs
sectionOff c d zs
The higher level interface for calling inSections
. parse
basically sanitates the file — turing literate into regular source and take out shebangs — then feed it to inSections
, and finally return the results.
parse :: Maybe Language -> Text -> Sections
parse Nothing _ = []
parse (Just src) code =
inSections (fromLiterate (T.lines code) $ literate src)
("^\\s*" <> symbol src <> "\\s?")
Transforms a literate style language file into its normal, non-literate style language. If it is normal, fromLiterate
for returns the same list of Text
that was passed in.
where fromLiterate :: [Text] -> Bool -> [Text]
fromLiterate [] _ = []
fromLiterate xs False = xs
fromLiterate xs True =
let s = symbol src
r = "^" <> (fromJust $ litSymbol src) <> "\\s?"
r1 = L.pack "^\\s*$"
fn = forM xs $ \x -> do
(ys, isText) <- get
let x' = T.unpack x
hasLitSymbol = x' =~ (L.pack $ T.unpack r)
when hasLitSymbol $
put (ys <> [replace r x mempty], False)
Inserts a comment symbol and a single space into the documentation line and check if the last line was code and documentation. If the previous line was code and the line is blank or has just whitespace, it returns a blank Text
datatype; otherwise it will return just the comment symbol.
unless hasLitSymbol $
case (x' =~ r1, isText) of
(True, True) -> put (ys <> [s], True)
(True, False) -> put (ys <> [mempty], False)
(False, _) -> put (ys <> [s <> " " <> x], True)
in fst . snd $ runState fn (mempty, True)
Highlights the current file of code, using Kate, and outputs the the highlighted html to its caller.
highlight :: Maybe Language -> Sections -> [Text]
highlight language' section =
let language = fromJust language'
langName = T.unpack $ name_ language
input = map (T.unpack . (M.! "codeText")) section
html = B.toHtml . K.formatHtmlBlock K.defaultFormatOpts
. K.highlightAs langName
htmlText = T.pack . L.unpack . renderHtml . html
in map htmlText input
is used to insert the html parts of the mapped sections of text into the corresponding keys of docsHtml
and codeHtml
mapSections :: Sections -> [Text] -> Sections
mapSections section highlighted =
let docText s = toHTML . T.unpack $ s M.! "docsText"
codeText i = highlighted !! i
sectLength = (length section) - 1
intoMap x = let sect = section !! x
in M.insert "docsHtml" (docText sect) $
M.insert "codeHtml" (codeText x) sect
in map intoMap [0 .. sectLength]
Once all of the code is finished highlighting, we can generate the HTML file and write out the documentation. Pass the completed sections into the template found in resources/linear/hyakko.html
or resources/parallel/hyakko.html
generateHTML :: Hyakko -> FilePath -> Sections -> IO ()
generateHTML opts src section = do
let title = takeFileName src
dest = destination (output opts) src
maybeLayout = layout opts
header = T.unpack $ (section !! 0) M.! "docsHtml"
isHeader = header =~ L.pack "^<(h\\d)"
count = [0 .. (length section) - 1]
(h, count') = if isHeader then
let layout' = maybe mempty id maybeLayout
in ( [("header", header)]
, (if layout' == "linear" then tail else id) count)
([("header", header)], count)
source <- sources $ dirOrFiles opts
html <- hyakkoTemplate opts . varListToJSON $ concat
[ [("title", if isHeader then getHeader header else title)]
, h
, cssTemplate opts
, multiTemplate $ length source
, sourceTemplate opts source
, sectionTemplate section maybeLayout count'
putStrLn $ "hyakko: " ++ src ++ " -> " ++ dest
T.writeFile dest html
Small helper to yank out the header text from an html string, if there is a header at the top of the file.
getHeader :: String -> String
getHeader htmlheader =
let reg = L.pack ">(.+)</h\\d>"
[(_:header:_)] = htmlheader =~ reg
in header
Simpler type signatuted regex replace function.
replace :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text
replace reg x y =
let str = T.unpack x
reg' = L.pack $ T.unpack reg
(_, _, rp) = str =~ reg' :: (String, String, String)
in y <> (T.pack rp)
From a languages.json
file, transform the data into useful list of language information inside the JSON.
decodeLanguageFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Languages)
decodeLanguageFile = L.readFile >=> return . decode'
Search a HashMap
of languages with file extensions as keys.
getLanguage :: FilePath -> Maybe Languages -> Maybe Language
getLanguage _ Nothing = Nothing
getLanguage src (Just langs) = M.lookup (takeExtension src) langs
Compute the destination HTML path for an input source file path. If the source is lib/example.hs
, the HTML will be at docs/example.html
destination :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
destination out fp = out </> (takeBaseName fp) ++ ".html"
The function hyakkoFile
, used to grab the contents of either the default css and html or a custom css and html. Then move it to the output directory.
hyakkoFile :: String -> Hyakko -> IO Text
hyakkoFile filetype opts = do
let maybeFile = (if filetype == "css" then css else template) opts
if isNothing maybeFile then
readDataFile $ "resources"
</> (fromJust $ layout opts)
</> "hyakko." ++ filetype
T.readFile $ fromJust maybeFile
Create the template that we will use to generate the Hyakko HTML page.
hyakkoTemplate :: Hyakko -> Value -> IO Text
hyakkoTemplate opts var = do
content <- hyakkoFile "html" opts
return . T.pack $ renderTemplate' (T.unpack content) var
The CSS styles we'd like to apply to the documentation.
hyakkoStyles :: Hyakko -> IO Text
hyakkoStyles = hyakkoFile "css"
Reads from resource path given in cabal package
readDataFile :: FilePath -> IO Text
readDataFile = getDataFileName >=> T.readFile
For each source file passed in as an argument, generate the documentation.
sources :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
sources file = do
files <- forM file $ \x -> do
isDir <- doesDirectoryExist x
if isDir then
fst <$> unpackDirectories x
return [x]
return . sort $ concat files
Turns the directory give into a list of files including all of the files in sub-directories.
unpackDirectories :: FilePath -> IO ([FilePath], [FilePath])
unpackDirectories d = do
let reg = L.pack "[^(^\\.{1,2}$)]"
content <- filter (=~ reg) <$> getDirectoryContents d
let content' = map (d </>) content
files <- filterM doesFileExist content'
subdir <- filterM doesDirectoryExist content'
subcontent <- fmap (\x -> (concatMap fst x, concatMap snd x))
(mapM unpackDirectories subdir)
return (files ++ fst subcontent, subdir ++ snd subcontent)
copyDirectory :: Hyakko -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyDirectory opts dir = do
(files, dirs) <- unpackDirectories dir
dataDir <- getDataDir
let oldLocation = T.pack . addTrailingPathSeparator $ dataDir
</> "resources"
</> (fromJust $ layout opts)
dirout = output opts
createDirectoryIfMissing False $ dirout </> "public"
Create all the directories needed to put future files into.
forM_ dirs $ \x -> do
let x' = T.pack x
dir' = T.unpack $ T.replace oldLocation mempty x'
createDirectoryIfMissing False $ dirout </> dir'
Copy all the files into the recently created directories.
forM_ files $ \x -> do
let x' = T.pack x
file = dirout </> (T.unpack $ T.replace oldLocation mempty x')
copyFile x file
Print information and exit hyakko when a flag is present. Mostly for version
and help
whenPresentPrintAndExit :: Arguments -> String -> String -> IO ()
whenPresentPrintAndExit arguments optName string =
when (arguments `isPresent` longOption optName) $
putStrLn string >> exitSuccess
Default configuration options. If no arguments for these flags are specifed, it will just use the ones in defaultConfig
defaultConfig :: Arguments -> IO Hyakko
defaultConfig arguments = do
let argOrDefault = getArgWithDefault arguments
languageFile <- getDataFileName $ "resources" </> "languages.json"
return Hyakko
{ layout = Just $ "parallel" `argOrDefault` longOption "layout"
, output = "docs" `argOrDefault` longOption "output"
, css = getArg arguments $ longOption "css"
, template = getArg arguments $ longOption "template"
, languages = languageFile `argOrDefault` longOption "languages"
, dirOrFiles = getAllArgs arguments $ argument "file"
Configure this particular run of hyakko. We might use a passed-in external template, or one of the built-in layouts.
configHyakko :: Hyakko -> FilePath -> Hyakko
configHyakko oldConfig datadir =
if isNothing $ template oldConfig then
let dir = datadir </> "resources"
</> (fromJust $ layout oldConfig)
in oldConfig { template = Just $ dir </> "hyakko.html"
, css = Just $ dir </> "hyakko.css"
oldConfig { layout = Nothing }
Using docopt, define a command line interface along with the actually usage text used for the help
hyakkoUsage :: IO Docopt
hyakkoUsage = parseUsageOrExit $ unlines
[ ""
, " Usage: hyakko [options] [<file>...]\n"
, " Options:\n"
, " -h, --help display this help message"
, " -V, --version display current version"
, " -L, --languages <file> use a custom languages.json"
, " -l, --layout <name> choose a built-in layout " ++
"(parallel, linear)"
, " -o, --output <path> use a custom output path"
, " -c, --css <file> use a custom css file"
, " -t, --template <file> use a custom pandoc template"
Finally, parse and handle certain flags then hyakko does the rest.
main :: IO ()
main = do
usage' <- hyakkoUsage
arguments <- getArgs
options' <- parseArgsOrExit usage' arguments
options <- defaultConfig options'
whenPresentPrintAndExit options' "version" $
"hyakko v" ++ showVersion version
whenPresentPrintAndExit options' "help" $ usage usage'
source <- sources $ dirOrFiles options
createDirectoryIfMissing False $ output options
generateDocumentation options source